Monday, July 30, 2007

Horton is Looking Good!

Blue Sky Studios' new feature film has been under a lot of secrecy, but finally "Horton Hears a Who" has images and a firts trailer to show off Blue Sky's expertise.

The studio has not only been able to translate Dr. Seuss' unique illustration style into 3D, but has done so creating a rich and also unique look for the movie.
There's a subtlety in the way some elements appear a bit more saturated than most of the other portions of a frame in the overall slightly de-saturated look of the film.

This "de-saturation" becomes even more evident if we compare "Horton" with Blue Sky's previous feature "Robots". It is an interesting visual sensation, departing from the general "lots of color and saturation" road usually traveled by most feature animation films up to now.

Animation looks great, and seems to fit quite right with Dr. Seuss' style and the way the characters were brought into the 3D realm.

Great visuals + great animation + Dr. Seuss... looks like a win/win combination!
Let's wait and see...

Click on the images to download high-res versions.


Deocliciano Okssipin Vieira, aka Ochyming said...


... actually an animation, not motion capture as the disappointing L. Feet.

Anonymous said...

Wow. very nice movies. I like blue sky movies. thank for share this.
