I must confess I was blown away by this movie!
True: I had very little expectations about the whole thing... The idea of realistic penguins dancing and singing all over a film that is not a musical seemed pretty awkward.
Penguins tap-dancing and singing tunes from the 80s and 90s... strange.
However the film surprised me. The animations (and motion capture) were very well done - it's hard to get some emotion from penguins, but they did a great job there.
But what really got me "wow" was the rendering: texture and lighting... The environments are amazingly real. The details in each shot are so many!...
I recommend to everyone. It's a must see!

I would go see it, when it opens here in Lisbon.
Nice blog.
Bom trabalho, gus, adorei.
Até sempre,
então você é assim também? Blogueiro?
Fui vér o filme e não gostei muito.
Excelente CG, mas as musicas me irritaram bastante.
Gostei mais do cars.
Confesso que o estilo "musical" me irrita também, mas acho que no geral o filme foi pra mim uma surpresa tão agradável que consegui abstrair um pouco da minha antipatia por musicais animados... ;)
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